In 1975, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Westmoreland County was formed to provide services
to children through mentoring relationships. In 2001, services were expanded into
Fayette County in an attempt to change the lives of additional children.
Rooted OUTreach is a nonprofit organization. Their mission is to bring awareness to
human trafficking, sexual abuse, and exploitation. They train individuals to thrive
through collaborative community action and preventive education.
Westmoreland Cultural Trust is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is to stimulate cultural and
economic development in the Westmoreland County region. They promote the performing arts; they preserve and enhance our region's assets for the benefit of the community. To learn more about their mission or find out about upcoming events visit their sites below.
www.thepalacetheatre.org | www.westmorelandculturaltrust.org | www.ggccevents.org
Hospaws is a non-profit, 501 C 3 organization in Westmoreland County.
Their organization was designed to help patients needing medical care keep their pets
while they are hospitalized.
The Westmoreland County Food Bank is a private, not-for-profit organization that supplies food to hungry people through a network of food assistance programs in Westmoreland County. Their 40,000 square foot facility is located in Delmont, Pennsylvania. Of each dollar donated to WCFB, $.95 goes to food and food programs. Find out more on their website:
Stage Right! School of Performing Arts is based on the tenet that professional artists, instructing, mentoring, and working alongside student actors profoundly affect their development. Their students are taught by professionals and given the opportunity to work with them on stage. Find out more on their website:
The Acme Family Endowment will support the continuation of the mission and vision
of Acme Providers in enhancing the lives of adults with intellectual challenges by making
a difference through individualized care and community involvement. Find out more
on their website:
Throughout the month of July, Major Stokes will be donating 50% of tips to the Stoneybrook Foundation. The mission of the Stoneybrook Foundation is to improve the lives of children and adults with special challenges through a therapeutic partnership with horses. Find out more on their website:
Throughout the month of May, Major Stokes will be donating 50% of tips to
Autism Speaks Walk. Their strength as a community is powered by love and built on the commitment of individuals like you. Start a team, join a team or come on your own. Walk and fundraise together to enhance the lives of people living with autism. Find out more on their website:
Throughout the month of May, Major Stokes will be donating 50% of tips to Angel Arms Infant Recovery Home. Angel Arms provides a short-term safe atmosphere for infants and children suffering from substance abuse. Angel Arms provides support services for families and communities to educate, recognize, and provide managed care for infants and children exposed to drugs while providing services for birth parents and caregivers. Find out more on their website:
Throughout the month of April, Major Stokes will be donating 50% of tips to the
CASA of Westmoreland, Inc. CASA of Westmoreland is a volunteer-based organization providing a voice in the courts on behalf of abused and neglected children in Westmoreland County. The recommendations of these volunteers assist the courts in determining the child’s placement in safe, permanent, and nurturing homes. Find out more on their website:
Throughout the month of March, Major Stokes will be donating 50% of tips to the Blackburn Center. Blackburn Center advocates for the rights of all individuals to live free from domestic and sexual violence and other forms of violence by eliminating the root causes of this violence and providing for the well-being and safety of survivors/victims. Find out more on their website:
Throughout the month of February, Major Stokes will be donating 50% of tips to
Feeding the Spirit. Feeding the Spirit is a non-profit group dedicated to nourishing the bodies, minds, and spirits of those in need in the Greensburg community. Their weekly Thursday evening event provides warmth, nourishment, friendship, and fellowship for those who are struggling to survive in a world that often leaves them behind. Find out more on their website:
Throughout the month of January, Major Stokes will be donating 50% of tips to
Adelphoi Village. Adelphoi is a private, non-profit agency dedicated to providing a continuum of quality services to children, youth, and families. Headquartered in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, the agency offers exemplary and affordable human services programs that assist persons in need from over 60 counties. Find out more on their website: